Sunday, November 28, 2010

Turrón de yema tostada

Pronounced too-rr-on deh je-ma tos-ta-da

1/2 kg sugar
1/2 kg almond meal
6 egg yolks
1 egg white
1/2 tsp. cinnamon

Phase 1: The making
In a saucepan, add the sugar and 5 tbsp. of water and bring to boil. Maintain simmering until it forms an “almibar” (or syrup), this will take about 5-10min. Add cinnamon.
Set the sugar syrup aside to cool down. After it has cooled down, add egg yolks and egg white, and mix.
Add the almond meal and mix (we used an electric mixer, but it can probably be done by hand if you have the arm strength and patience)
Taste to ensure it is sweet enough
Spoon into container, and flatten out using weight (we used milk containers again, as done for the Turron de Chocolate) for several days (you may want to refrigerate while doing this if room temperature is warm/hot - we put it in the fridge because we live in Australia, and Christmas happens to be in summer)

Phase 2: The 'toasting'
Unwrap the 'turron' from the baking paper/aluminium foil that it was refrigerated in.

Coat the top part (one side only) with sugar.

Burn the sugar using a flame torch (this is the fun bit!)
Allow to cool
Wrap again, using aluminium foil/cling wrap
Refrigerate until it is time to serve

Phase 3: Serving
Cut into slices, serve and enjoy!
(photos will be up soon, ours is currently in the refrigeration phase)


  1. Love your blog! Living in Spain and trying to learn how to cook traditional Spanish things for the boyfriend!

  2. Its awesome to hear someone is actually reading our ramblings :) Good luck on that adventure, I seem to be learning that it is never as easy as it looks!

  3. Thank you so much for sharing this recipe. I made this for my family, and it was delicious!
